Should I become an entrepreneur?

I love my day job, but most of my friends are becoming entrepreneurs and I feel like I'm missing out.

Dear Career Curator,


You love your job and that is much more than most people can say about the work they invest so much of their valuable time in.

Have you ever heard of the saying "comparison is the thief of joy"?

Curating the career and life you want outweighs all else. Your focus has to be on finding joy in your life. That may mean trying things out to determine whether or not they increase your overall joy. It may also mean trusting your instincts and doing more of what you know you love.

Lifestyle trends are very similar to fashion trends, most people try things out at least once and if you sit it out this time around you will undoubtedly encounter the same trend again in the future. People are not typically 100% of one thing. In fact, one of the best parts of life is having the ability to explore. Try things out that interest you and completely ignore the things that don't. You likely wouldn't enjoy a wardrobe full of large logos or all neon colors, even if you personally like both. Instead you would likely opt for what you enjoy wearing the most and accentuate those pieces with trendy items. Curating a vision for your life requires you to try things out, but only when you want to and never because you want to keep up with your friends or anyone else for that matter.

When you find yourself feeling like you are missing out on something, consider that as an indicator that you are not. If you truly desired entrepreneurship you would pursue it, without the need to ponder whether or not you are missing out on it. Instinctually you may ponder when or how to incorporate something new into your life, but you would not waste time considering whether or not you actually want it at all. In this instance it would be great to channel your energy into supporting your friends and their endeavors. Offer to lend a helping hand or purchase their products or services.

It's important to leverage what you learn from the trends you do decide to try. You may find that entrepreneurship fits into your life, but only part-time. You may decide that it's not a fit for you at all and that is also fine. Making lifestyle adjustments is much more manageable than complete lifestyle overhauls. Enjoy the job you love. Try the things that interest you. Don't feel compelled to do anything simply because others are doing it. Start getting clear about the life you want and you will find that making these decisions become easier.

You know what's in your best interest. You have to learn to trust your own judgement.

With encouragement,

Career Curator

Tiffany A. Irving

Tiffany is an innovative writer and career curator who’s purpose is to help others align with meaningful work.

I'm young and still exhausted, help!