I started my first professional job after graduating from college in 2021. How do I build a successful career? Read as, how do I curate my career?

Dear Career Curator,

Put in the work, reap the rewards.

It could be that simple, but we’ve gotten off track because we’re not using discernment to properly determine where our work will be appreciated and impactful. My best advice to someone just starting on their career path, is to focus on what you want to get out of your work and work diligently to block out the negativity. 

When I started my first professional job, I was in a management trainee program. In order to graduate (be promoted) I was required to go through a rigorous full day interview process. Preparing for that interview day was the most nerve-racking experience I had ever had up until that point and that was after surviving 17 years of school (I was adventurous enough to go back for an additional 2 years after this). The preparation required quite a bit of studying and long work hours to gain access to the information needed to successfully pass the interview. At the end of the day, we each received feedback from a vice president in the company. I don't remember much from that day other than how it made me feel and that I ultimately passed. However, there was one piece of advice that I have taken with me ever since and it was "keep your blinders on". 

I was 24 years old and honestly had no idea what it meant other than to stay focused and that's exactly what I have done throughout my career. It took a couple of years before the lightbulb came on and I truly understood the meaning. Race horses wear blinders during the race. The blinders are meant to keep the horse focused from the start of the race through the finish. I'm sure there's a much more sophisticated summary of the use of blinders, but it makes sense in the grand scheme of life and careers. Each day it's important to approach your work with a focus that is so clear that you cannot be distracted. This is much easier said than done. From the moment you wake up, you will be bombarded with messaging from every source around you. It's important to use your discernment as the guide to help you sort through what is meant for you and what can be left behind. 

People will saddle you with their doubts and burdens if you allow them to. Don't. Create enough distance that you learn to be a great listener, but not an active participant in someone else's stuff (problems, drama, gossip, etc.). Your blinders will protect you from unnecessary distractions and keep your eyes trained on your goals. Keeping your blinders on is an act that will require you to come back to it over and over again. Trust me, they will fall off along the way. It's a great piece of centering advice because once it sticks with you, you will have the ability to question your decision making with clarity. It's either something that should be in focus for you or a distraction. There's very little gray space.

Once you have your blinders on, your decision making is much more clear. You are able to navigate the abundance of advice coming your way with the ability to use what you need and discard the rest. This includes choosing a great company that will support your career goals and provide you with challenging learning opportunities. Your discernment will strengthen over time and you will trust your ability to make the best decision for yourself. That may mean making a career change in the future, which may simply be moving on to another company. Know that no matter what decision you make, you will always have the ability to make another one. The only bad choice, is not making a choice at all. 

Do work that is important or intriguing to you. Give it your best effort. You will reap the rewards, because we always get out of a situation what we have put into it and more. Believe that and be unshakeable about it. The career you want to have is within your reach. You have the ability to curate it yourself. Keep your blinders on.

With Encouragement,

Career Curator

P.S. Careers take on many forms, explore and figure out what is the best fit for you.

You can have it, whatever it is that you are dreaming about, but you will have to work for it.

Surround yourself with people that support you. Show up in rooms you’re curious about and use those experiences as motivation.

Tiffany A. Irving

Tiffany is an innovative writer and career curator who’s purpose is to help others align with meaningful work.


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