Curate Your Career

You are in control and you get to decide the type of career you want. A career can take any form, just look around at people you know and don't know. What do they do for a living? That is their career. 

A career is not a singular type of work and for many it doesn't always feel like work at all. From entrepreneurs and 9to5ers to cashiers and dog walkers, all are careers that allow people to support themselves financially. The ability to curate those experiences to create the career you want is the starting point for a life reimagined. You are not required to follow the cultural script that was handed to you. Take control of your work life. It's essential to work for the majority of us, so why wouldn't you curate the career you want?

What does it mean to Curate Your Career?

A career is a collection of experiences that come together as the foundation of your work life. We all work to establish and sustain our lifestyles. Over time we learn to work smarter, using skills and resources from one experience to carry you into the next. A career is not limited to briefcases and board rooms, in fact each person carrying a briefcase or occupying a board room has brought along their prior experience to support their current work. Your career begins the moment you start learning information and skills that will lead to your first job. Each subsequent job is enhanced by the former and so on. The sooner you are able to identify the experiences that bring you joy or spark your curiosity to learn more, the quicker you are on the path to curating your career. 

What is the purpose of Curate Your Career?

Curate Your Career was created as a space focused on career stories and the many variations of careers that exist. The intention of the blog is to showcase a variety of career topics from different perspectives. The global lens and curation of insights will support each individual journey by providing  a unique point of view that will enhance your perception of careers. Not only will you learn more about career possibilities but you will receive access to tools and resources to support your efforts in curating your career.

What is one takeaway for the Curate Your Career reader?

A career can take any form and you get to decide what is right for you. Challenge yourself to think outside of the norms you were taught and create the career that inspires you. You will show up as a better employee or boss when you give yourself the freedom to explore beyond the constraints of your role. Invest in yourself by dedicating time and resources to your development. Do more than what is required of you in your role and if you don't feel inspired to do more, investigate that feeling further.

How do I become a guest contributor? 

As Curate Your Career grows, it will become a space where guest contributors will be be able to showcase their experiences with curating each of their careers. We are interested in guest contributors who would like to write about their experiences using a provided writing prompt. While your contribution will not be paid, it is an opportunity to express your point of view and inspire others with your story. If you would like to offer your perspective, especially if that perspective is one that you wish you had exposure to sooner, please email 

How do I get started on curating my career?

Take a look around, read the articles and subscribe to the upcoming newsletter. There's a lot of work happening behind the scenes and soon enough you will be able to download tools and resources to support your journey. In the interim, start documenting your thoughts about the career of your dreams. 

What does it look like? 

Where are you working from? 

What type of work are you doing?

What additional development do you need to get there?

What is your next step?

Realizing that you are in control is the first step in unlocking your freedom. It's not only possible to Curate Your Career, but you are now on your way and nothing can stop you.

*Written at the dining room table in PDC, MX with a view of the greatest husband alive.

Tiffany A. Irving

Tiffany is an innovative writer and career curator who’s purpose is to help others align with meaningful work.

The only way is not always up


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